The Inequality Debate

By Harold DeRienzo

Poverty and inequality are back on the national radar screen.  That is a good thing, but what is even better is that this nascent debate is gaining resonance with the general public and seems to have gotten beyond pejorative characterizations of the poor as  “welfare queens,” trading in their food stamps for vodka, as so expediently expressed by Ronald Reagan over three decades ago. … Read more...

Response to Winston Churchill Was Right

By Harry DeRienzo

My friend, Dr. Brian Sahd, says I am becoming more conservative over time.  He goes so far to say that “Glen Beck would be proud.”  It may be true that I am becoming more conservative, if conservatism is defined through peopled-centered, accessible, and equitable economic systems that, far from degrading our humanity, enhance it; systems that are politically organized to be ever suspect of “big government,” concentrated wealth, or economic power aggregated within corporate entities. … Read more...